As a solopreneur are you overwhelmed with the number of apps that claim to solve all your problems? We remove the mystery with real pragmatic training and services.


Send us an email and let’s set up a conversation for a custom solution that works for you.


What People Are Saying

“When I found out that the host for my website was cancelling service within two weeks, Nan immediately soothed my anxiety by navigating the confusing experience of migration and hosting. While I focused on rebuilding the site on a new platform, she seamlessly did the transition work. What she modestly describes as "pushing buttons" is magic to someone in need. Nan and I have worked together for nearly two decades. She is a consummate professional, a steady guide and calming presence. Her zest for knowledge, tenacity for solving problems and her range of professional experience is invaluable in today's world.”

— Chris Ralston, Senior Art Director


“Highest praise for Tymbal Tech Coaching!

Since I began receiving regular tech and business operations coaching, my outlook on managing a new publishing business has improved one hundred fold.

Want to lower your anxiety when trouble-shooting computer problems? Tymbal Tech is your go-to.

Looking for a calm, encouraging operations expert to walk you through some organizational challenges? Tymbal Tech is there in spades.

No matter what kind of business you have, Nan has expertise, excellent suggestions and creative solutions you would not have thought of yourself. Their approach is refreshing and innovative.”

— Annie Stevens, Greensprings Press

“When the pandemic hit my business depended on me creating a virtual space to teach my courses and do my trainings from. Nan's coaching and consulting set me up completely and with little to no hassle on my part. She even gave me the links to products she recommended. I've known Nan for a long time and no matter what she is working with she brings a level of common sense and integrity that is unmatched in business today.”

– Jay Pryor, Jay Pryor Consulting

We’d love to work with you.